Meditation Music from the Meditation Society of Australia

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Meditation the Inner Healing

If there's one mental practice that is stood the test of time – and exhaustive human examination – it's meditation.

Meditation has over the centuries made a not too bad showing of substantiating itself by decreasing nervousness and hopelessness, upgrading thought and mental execution and making an all around good practice for reducing stress.

In any case, would be meditators are able to draw upon a vast amount of information regarding the benefits of slowing down and contemplating life and whats going on around them.

In a recent study of Psychoneuroendocrinology it was found that Meditation goes along way to cooling the cerebrum in circumstances that may have caused irritation in the mind and body.  It is further thought that the practice of slowing the mind down is a good practice for the brain.

Meditation is a mental practice used to focus thought on the present moment, rather than on the standard  " civilized mental racing" going on in our heads.

Many people stated that using meditation practices has eased feelings of uneasiness and diminished nervous tenision by just taking time to focus on the here and now attempting to reframe potentially negative tapes. It seems to just makes sense to slow down and focus.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Practical Meditation for Beginners

Definition of Meditation:

1 :To engage in contemplation or reflection.
2 :To engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra).
3 :To focus one's thoughts on :reflect on or ponder over.
4 :To plan or project in the mind :intend, purpose.

The belief according to the Eastern philosophers, is that meditation is to be in the present and to be aware of ones surroundings, but yet separate. It is thought that through regulated or guided breathing an individual can leave the external world and enter the inner sanctum of of the universal consciousness of our species. The Buddhist philosophy, further believes that meditation liberates the mind from those things it cannot control, both externally or internally, thus freeing itself of all those things that would seem to distract, from the true value and meaning of life and enlightenment. Thus through meditation, individuals can relieve themselves of worldly desires and experiences that often serve to distract, while focusing on those things that provide and inner peace and balance with the external world. Through meditation, some individuals have reported that they begin to feel a sense of oneness and clarity about the innate good in humanity. Many people talk about the positive affects of meditation, however according to Eastern Philosophers that is just a by product of the journey within.

The journey within begins with either sitting in a comfortable position on the floor or in a chair or lying on a comfortable surface. The next thing is to close your eyes, then take notice of your breathing and finally slowing your breathing in a slow and methodical way, to the point that you can feel the breath going in and out.

There are different forms of meditation some of which include: mindfulness meditation and concentration meditation, there are also movement meditations such as Tai chi and even yoga, which involves the use of meditation as part of its process. .

Mindfulness Meditation is said to be a way of being an observer of ones own thoughts. Being in the present and aware of ones thought as they come and go, not attaching to the thought rightness or wrongness, good or bad, but just being aware of the thought.

Concentration Meditation on the other hand is a way of focusing on a specific thing to the point that all things outside the object of concentration are lost in the background of the object of focus.

Both Tai CHi and Yoga serve to incorporate movement with focus to produce harmony with the inner world and external world, providing a state of calm tranquility and well being within the individual.

May you all the days of your life be blessed in balance and harmony!
